71BODIES 1DANCE, the first full production created by the company, premiered in 2018 during the Oktoberdans Festival, held by BIT Teatergarasjen. Since then, the production has been presented, both nationally and internationally in more than fifteen cities, and is still on tour.The project in its entirety is a multidisciplinary choreographic initiative made in collaboration with photography artist Mar C Llop and filmmaker Ursula Kaufmann. The work has three distinct, yet connected parts consisting of:

  • 71 life size portraits
  • 12 mini-documentaries presented via the film installation Black Little Boxes
  • A 71 minute solo performance by Daniel Mariblanca that is inspired by 71 transgender people met throughout Scandinavia & Europe during the two years of preproduction.

The work focuses on bringing visibility, awakening curiosity and generating knowledge about the transgender community. Highlighting the great diversity that exists within every personal journey, 71BODIES 1DANCE approaches the community complexities from a human level- through an artistic work.

In 2019 Daniel Mariblanca received the award for Artist of the Year from Bergen Kommune for this project.

Meet the team

Daniel Mariblanca

Concept, choreography, performance

Mar C Llop

Photography artist

Ursula Kaufmann


Gunnar Innvær

Music composition / technician

Miriam Casal

Music composition

Florian Doerrhoefer

Music composition

Amanda Billberg

Artistic assistance / choreographic dramaturgy

Jon Eirik Sira

Light designer / tour technician

Thomas Bruvik

Light designer / tour technician

Camilla Svingen

Financial producer

Davone Sirmans

Company & Tour Manager

Produced by 71BODIES

is a co-production with